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The Energies of the People of the Forest (aka Big Foot or Sasquatch) was created by Gayle Fowler, Urban Shaman, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher, Medical Intuitive, Empath and Channel. Gayle received messages from the ancestors to create the essences that make up the sprays.


Each is unique in its vibrational frequency, scent and ability to connect one with the animal spirit, ancient ones and other Earth based beings. The sprays are made with charged distilled waters with different frequencies based on the directions received by the ancestors. These sprays are not medicinal items, but used strictly from a Shamanic/Healer perspective to assist yourself and others connect, ground, clear, or raise your spiritual frequency.


The sprays only ships to the continental United States. Additional shipping charges may be added for HI, AK and international. Contact GEAF Gifts Customer Service at for shipping fees.


  • Cernnunos: Brings forth the connection to nature and Mama Earth, specifically the forest energy and the spirit of theCerunnos aka "Green Man." Those attracted to this spray tend to have a strong past life connection to the ancient civilizations of the Celtics/Druids; specifically the United Kingdom and France. Use when you need grounding or want to connect to the earth-base spirits and energy. Great for meditation and journeying or simply to connect with the "Green Man", "Cernnunos" or the "Hunter of the Forest." Brings in the Divine Masculine.
  • Grandmothers of the Forest: Brings forth the connection to the Female Healers of the People of the Forest, aka Sasquatch. Those attracted to this spray tend to be healers.Use when you need grounding or want to connect with nature and healing. Great for meditations and journeying, or connecting with the feminine energy of the Grandmothers of the Forest. caregivers or nurturers with ties to nature.
  • People of the Forest: Brings forth the connection to the People of the Forest, aka Sasquatch. Those attracted to this spray tend to be outdoors men and women with a strong connection to nature and preservation. Use when you need grounding or reconnection to nature and the forest. Great for meditations, journeying or when you wish to connect to the Sasquatch forest people.



  • Protection: Brings forward and seals light, thus providing protection. Use when you are needing to protect yourself or space. This spray brings in the light to remove dark energies. Great for sealing sacred space.
  • Stress Release: Brings oneself or others back to center through the release of stress. Use when you are feeling imbalanced or not centered due to stressful environments or situations. Allow this spray's high frequency to clear out the "stressful" feelings and bring in a state of calmness and relaxation.
  • Violet Flame: Violet flame is connected to Reiki healing. Use when you want to bring in the higher frequencies during self or others healing. Raises ones frequency through the connection to the highest light frequency in the light spectrum.

Energies of the People of the Forest and Others - 2 oz Sprays

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